Sunday, January 27, 2013

Beef Soup...I mean Stew...I mean Casserole...

I love food coops. I will repeat... I LOVE FOOD COOPS!!!!  From what I have been told, that sentiment isn't shared throughout the country, but in my city (Phoenix) we have a bunch to choose from and I haven't been disappointed yet. This past weekend, I found Markets on the Move, which is a part of The 3000 Club. It was featured on the news and I figured I would give it a shot. With Markets on the Move, you pay $10.00 and receive up to 60lbs of produce. Basically, whatever you can haul away. They have different produce each week, and I think it's mainly vegetables but this was my first time so I'm not entirely sure. Guess I'll see next week! Anyways, it was raining yesterday and I hesitated on going, but I figured it wouldn't be as crowded with the rain, right? Well it wasn't too bad! Waited in line for 15 minutes or so and I hit the mother load!!!! I'll post the picture below but it was so cool. Everyone was so nice and happy, even though they were soaked to the bone! They also take volunteers and I think I'm going to do it to give back to the cause. But the whole idea is to keep what you can use and then give the rest to others who need it. 

 I don't think I've ever been this excited about vegetables before!!!! I was so inspired that I thought, since it was a rainy day, that I would make a soup. So I did!
 My sweet girl wanted in on the photo op as well :)

So I sought out to make soup. However, it turned more into a stew or casserole...I put quinoa and orzo in there and it soaked up the liquid...but it still turned out amazingly...It was so good. So...not a total fail, right? ;)

Beef Soup --> Stew --> Casserole :) (keep in mind, I made this up as I went along so I don't have exact measurements)

1.5 lbs ground beef
20 grape tomatoes
a combination of red, yellow, and orange peppers (i used 5)
3 zucchini
olive oil spray
garlic salt
garlic powder
onion powder
chili powder
red pepper flakes
(Spices are all to taste)
one can tomato paste
2 cans beef broth
1 box quinoa
1 box orzo pasta (this one is optional)

1. Brown beef in a large pan and add one can of beef broth and tomato paste. Let simmer while cutting veggies.
2. Chop zucchini, peppers, and tomatoes. Add to crock pot.
3. Add beef mixture to crock pot. 
4. Add other can of beef broth and quinoa.
5. Add spices (and whatever other spices you like) to crock pot mixture.
6. Stir together and cook on low for 3 hours. 
7. About 30 minutes before serving, I added the orzo and it sucked up the broth. So if you want it to be more of a soup, I would leave out the orzo. But I LOVE pasta and I can't imagine this without so I'll leave that up to you.

Tastes sooo good!!! Hope you try and enjoy! I think that adding other veggies would work too. I just used what I got at MOM :)

Stay classy!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fail-ish DIY Deodorizing Disks

Now, you're probably wondering why I chose to call this a fail-ish DIY. Well It didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to, but I am still able to use it for pretty much the same purpose! Let me explain...

I found this recipe via Pinterest but the actual recipe can be found on One Good Thing by Jillee. I love this site. She is amazing but sometimes I can't replicate what she does. This being one of them. The recipe is as follows and I'll explain along the way what went wrong.

DIY Deodorizing Disks

2 cups baking soda
1-2 cups distilled water (or boil your water for 10 minutes) I only needed about a cup.
A flavor of oil that you prefer. I used lavender.
Silicone mold or muffin pan. I found some super cute heart-shaped ice cube trays at the dollar section at Target. 2 for a dollar! Score!

1. Mix a few drops of the oil with 1/2 cup of water. Add this mixture to the baking soda and mix. Keep adding water until you have a thick paste. I added up to a cup and the mixture wasn't thick. I think that's where I went wrong. So to be safe, I would add it 1/4 cup at a time and see what happens.

2. Pour it into your molds. Mine are below:

3. You will have to let it set for 24-48 hours to make sure they are completely hardened. I let them set for 48 hours and they still weren't set. 

Now that's where I am having the issue. Mine didn't set completely and they crumbled when I was trying to take them out. Fail? Maybe..but when I took a tablespoon of the baking soda/water/oil mixture and put in Ava's diaper genie (the main reason why I made it) it worked just fine! Her room now smells nicely of lavender :) It makes my DIY Diaper Genie Refills work even better! It can also be used in trash cans or anything else that needs deodorizing. Jillee also mentioned putting it in laundry to make things even fresher! 

Enjoy! and stay classy :)

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back :)

It's been awhile. I apologize for that. Not only have I been dealing with the busy-ness of the holidays (Hope you all had a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Years!) and was sick for most of it so I didn't get around to blogging, but I have a ton of recipes that I tried throughout the break that I am so excited to share :)

I spent the holidays with my sister, her husband, and their son. While I was there, she showed me some of her DIY stuff for Christmas. I thought I would pass it along!

First, she took candle holders and candles from the dollar store. And then took candy canes and broke them apart. She poured the candy canes around the candles. Voila! Instant centerpiece, decoration, etc. 

I also think that this would be great for any holiday! Change it up and put candy hearts or hot tamales for Valentines, Jelly Beans for Easter, Candy Corn for Halloween, etc. It's the decoration that can stay out all year!

The next thing she showed me was above her cabinets in her kitchen. She took a lantern that was on sale at Lowe's (I think it was under 10 bucks) and filled it with decorations from the dollar store (pine cones, ornament balls, etc.) Super easy and not expensive!

Hope you enjoy these! What money-saving decorations did you do for your home over Christmas? Might as well make a databank now for next year :)

Stay classy :)