Sunday, January 13, 2013

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back :)

It's been awhile. I apologize for that. Not only have I been dealing with the busy-ness of the holidays (Hope you all had a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Years!) and was sick for most of it so I didn't get around to blogging, but I have a ton of recipes that I tried throughout the break that I am so excited to share :)

I spent the holidays with my sister, her husband, and their son. While I was there, she showed me some of her DIY stuff for Christmas. I thought I would pass it along!

First, she took candle holders and candles from the dollar store. And then took candy canes and broke them apart. She poured the candy canes around the candles. Voila! Instant centerpiece, decoration, etc. 

I also think that this would be great for any holiday! Change it up and put candy hearts or hot tamales for Valentines, Jelly Beans for Easter, Candy Corn for Halloween, etc. It's the decoration that can stay out all year!

The next thing she showed me was above her cabinets in her kitchen. She took a lantern that was on sale at Lowe's (I think it was under 10 bucks) and filled it with decorations from the dollar store (pine cones, ornament balls, etc.) Super easy and not expensive!

Hope you enjoy these! What money-saving decorations did you do for your home over Christmas? Might as well make a databank now for next year :)

Stay classy :)

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