Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Start of My New Adventure!

Who knew that it would be so easy to start a blog?! Had I known this, I would have done it a long time ago! I wanted to start this because I have been going through a little transformation...well a lot of transformations actually.

First, I have gone from being a married woman, to a mom. I have a beautiful, awesome daughter who is my world. I have found out over the past 18 months that not only is she a lot of work (the most rewarding work ever) but she is very sensitive to perfumes, dyes, and a lot of other additives that are in detergents, cleaners, etc. I have also found that she is hella expensive! So saving money anywhere that I can is awesome.

Next, I made the transition from teacher to therapist! This has been an amazing transformation. I have finally found my dream job and it is so rewarding and much less stressful than before.

My husband and I have also transformed into at-home eaters! Though I'm working full time and need quick and easy meals to get us through when my husband and I don't feel like cooking. We have really made a transformation from eating out all the time and grabbing a quick meal here and there, to making dinner almost every night and making our lunches the next day. It's actually refreshing to know where our money is going and realize that we are saving a ton of money on making dinner and lunches.

Since the invention of Pinterest, I have really brought out the "Martha Stewart" in myself. I've been making meals, cleaning products, menu planning, and doing everything I can to save money. After a lot of thought, I figured, there's more to sharing this stuff than the occasional facebook status. So I thought I would start this, so that I can put all of my thoughts, recipes, DIY stuff, as well as reviews of products that I've tried, and things that I've made. I tell you, there are a lot of things on Pinterest that I've tried and they have been amazing. However, there are a lot of things that I've tried that have sucked..royally. And there isn't a way to re-pin them to say that they are horrible, or atleast I haven't found it. So here goes...

I'm going to try and update this every few days. My goal is every day, but we will see how that goes!

Stay classy :)

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