Saturday, September 29, 2012

Websites that I love (And make my life so much easier)

I was thinking about where to start with this..and I figured I would start with websites that I love and go to often to help with my DIY adventure...So here goes :)

There are two that I go to for money-saving tips, couponing, freebies, etc. They are Hip2Save and Frugal Girls. I love both of them! I go there often to get anything online, in-store, and other freebies and coupons. They are also not into stockpiles or extreme couponing, which I like because..well..I'm not an extreme couponer. I don't have a stockpile or anything close. I just want to save money in the hour or so that I have to grocery shop every week. They rock for that!

The next one that I have been going to for awhile for DIY stuff is One Good Thing By Jillee. I have found all kinds of DIY cleaning and health care products through her. Plus the majority of them can be adapted for peeps with sensitive skin, like myself and my girl.

Finally, as always, there is Pinterest. I find pretty much everything on there. It actually led me to Jillee and other sites like the blog that I'm creating. It's just a bunch of people wanting to save money and try new stuff, like myself! I admit, there have been failures, which I will point out on here from time to time, but there have also been a lot of successes!

Stay classy :)

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