Sunday, October 14, 2012

DIY Wipes!!

So I'm so happy that you have been going with me on my DIY adventure. I have saved so much money so far and the best part is that I know EXACTLY what is going into the products that I'm exposing my daughter to. It's awesome :)

So this leads me to my next adventure...making my own baby wipes. I found this on Live Well Network but there are a ton of ways to do this. This site also has recipes for glass cleaner wipes, disinfecting wipes, etc. I'm going to try these eventually but figured I would use this week's blog for the baby wipes since we were out of them and I needed more in a pinch! This is a great idea if you want to make your own for good, or if you run out and want to make them instead of running out and getting more. I guarantee you have everything you need already if you have a baby. 

So here's what you will need.

1 roll of paper towel (I used the Viva paper towel because it feels like cloth and I figured it would be softer. 
A sealable container that will hold half a roll of paper towel.
2 1/4 cups water
2tbsp baby wash 
1 tbsp baby oil

(I'm trying to use more photos :))

First thing you will do (and my opinion the most difficult part of this whole thing) is cut the roll of paper towel in half. I'll admit, this is a pain in the butt. I found that a bread knife that is serrated works best. 

Next, you are going to mix your ingredients together. You will then put half of the roll in your sealable container and pour the mix over it. 

Finally, you will remove the cardboard roll from the middle. It's much easier to remove once the roll is wet. 

And you're done! Pull out the wipes from the center and you have your own baby wipes! I really like mine. Ava seems to like them better than the store bought ones as well. Plus, you now have another half a roll that you can either use for a different kind of wipes or just wait until you need more and whip up another batch real quick. Nice and easy!

Stay classy :)

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